Possible mould issues

Before I even fly to Japan, I heard that there might be mould issues in my apartment. I have never experienced such issues, so I am very concerned. Research has advised me on the following,

  • カビキラー is my friend.
    • But make sure the house if ventilated very well when it is used.
  • Set the AC on its dehumidifier (除湿) mode.
  • Get a dehumidifier (除湿機).
    • Run it on 24/7 first.
    • Then run them before/after storms or other high humidity periods.
    • Put it in the room furthest away from the aircon, and then rotate it around to the other rooms.
  • Buy a lot of those 除湿剤 from Daiso and stuff it around the house.
  • Buy a few thermometers which measure humidity and keep an eye on them.
    • House should be below 50% in humidity level.
  • Make sure there aren’t any water leaks.
  • Futons, beddings and clothing should be hung to dry between 10 am to 3 pm if possible, as humidity levels are low during that time period.
  • A couple of cm of a gap between the wall and pieces of furniture should be observed, so that air can pass through them and no mould will form.

Bonus tips to be found at http://ajet.net/resources/daily-jet-life/cooling-in-japan/

2 thoughts on “Possible mould issues

  1. That would worry me, too!

    Take the advice about your bedding very seriously. Allergens where you sleep are in close contact with your airway for ~1/3 of your day.

    Mold likes damp, dark, and still conditions. Fight it with air movement, sunlight, and that dehumidifier.

    Be healthy! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. → Allergens where you sleep are in close contact with your airway for ~1/3 of your day ←
      Oh.my.gosh. Yes, now that you mentioned it, that is so scary ><

      I'm still not sure if I'll be getting a bed, or a futon.. but either way I'll definitely be careful of my bedding! Thank you for the reminder! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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