Moving Houses in Japan (within the Prefecture) #5– Cancelling Utilities

So, my supervisor is supposed to cancel my gas subscription for me, but I am required to cancel my water and electricity subscription by myself, says the instruction manual for CIRs in my area.

I plucked up my courage, searched for the appropriate number, and dialed it in. Both the water and electricity companies’ staff who answered my call were really patient and professional. They had a friendly tone to their voices and spoke in keigo really fluently. Sigh, how long will it take before I can dish out perfect keigo…

I was supposed to provide them with my customer number, but I didn’t have the number with me, so they helped me to search for my account using my home address. I confirmed with them when I wanted the utilities to be cut off, and they confirmed all the details with me, and that was it. Oh, they also asked me for my new address in case they needed to send in some final details/confirmations, but I told them I have already set up forwarding for my posts, so it should be alright to continue sending notices to my old address.

Everything went a lot smoother than I thought.

I am rocking adulting in a foreign country! 🙂

(Edit on 26th May, I realised that I needed to call the gas and electricity company but not the water. Oh well, I guess I’m calling the gas now too).

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